
Reviews and Comparisons:

Journal of The Canadian Dietetic Association
This is a review of an early version of FoodFocus but the observations of the contribution of pictographs are still relevant.

"The unique feature of this software is the use of pictographs which develop with the addition of each food item. It's rewarding to see the rainbow on Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating grow with the addition of food items belonging to the food groups. Other graphics that are dynamic with food data entry are a green happy face and a green heart. The happy face turns grey with a scowl for a low-nutrient dense diet; the heart loses pieces and collapses on itself with increased total and saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium intakes. The [heart] turns into a baby carriage for a pregnant woman. Prior to using FoodFocus, students will need to have a good understanding of nutrition and how to begin to achieve a full rainbow, green heart and happy face. The software graphics reflect immediate changes with each food, so students can experiment with alternating foods to determine their effect on diet and health... The manual is clear and well-written. Supplementary materials are included. These could be of use to educators as some ideas for using FoodFocus with a range of grade levels. The material includes typical education strategies for various grade levels that could benefit from nutrient analysis... The inclusion of the graphic heart could be a powerful indicator to students that their diets affect their well-being in the long-term... " FoodFocus is an affordable software which has a place in nutrition education education for students in Grades 8 to 12.... It's rewarding to see the rainbow on Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating grow with the addition of food items... powerful indicator to students that their diets affect their well-being in the long term ",page 147, Journal of The Canadian Dietetic Association - Vol 58 No.3 Fall 1997

International Nutrient Databank Directory
FoodFocus is compared to other food composition software in this international survey for the National Nutrient Databank Conference.

The International Nutrient Databank Directory is intended to assist potential users in determining which combination of program and database might best meet their needs. It will also be a resource for students and others who want to learn about and compare selected database and software features.

FitFocus Review for Manitoba Schools

FitFocus is a recommended educational resource in Manitoba.

The following description is from the Manitoba Department of Education web site in the Physical Education/Health Education Learning Resources: Kindergarten to Senior 2, Manitoba Education and Youth publication,2003:
FitFocus: Health and Physical Activity
Analysis Software (Computer Software).
FoodFocus (FFS), 2003. Version 1.01.

This Manitoba-produced software provides students with an analysis of their physical activity lifestyle, and is designed to support Canada’s Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living. Students record their activities on the interactive software for a given period of time to determine whether their activity lifestyle is balanced with respect to health-related fitness components. The software (consisting of two disks and an instruction manual) includes an extensive databank of information on a wide range of physical activities and active living topics. It also explains calculated health benefits of active living, as well the risks for major disease resulting from an inactive lifestyle.

This resource takes a student-centred approach to learning and promotes individual assessment that is free of bias. It also promotes inclusion with a wide range of activities across a range of cultures. The software is well organized and makes effective use of graphics and colour to achieve its purpose.

Comment: This resource complements FoodFocus: Nutrition Analysis Software.

Cautions: As this is a software program, it can take away from active time. The assumption for active participation is that students are actually doing the activities that they enter as data.

System Requirements: Any computer running a 32 bit Microsoft Windows operating system (95/98, NT, Millennium, 2000, XP), 3.5 floppy disk or CD-ROM drive, screen resolution of 800 x 600 or better.

Suggested Use: Senior 1; Senior 2 Student - Depth; Teacher Reference

GLO 2: Fitness Management Knowledge GLO 2: Fitness Management Skills GLO 4: Personal and Social Management Skills GLO 5: Personal Health Practices GLO 5: Active Living

Date Recommended: 2003-May-01

