
FoodFocus Nutrition Analysis Software:

Choosing Foods That Make Sense
Health Canada provides nutrition recommendations to keep Canadians healthy. FoodFocus was developed to help teachers and students explore Canadian nutrient recommendations and food data and develop an understanding of healthy eating guidelines. Some features include:
  • A fast, easy-to-use interface evolved with feedback from teachers and students across Canada
  • The latest Canadian food data. About 6000 foods with updates to breakfast cereals, yogurts, commercial breads and other foods (most consumed by Canadians and/or those which contribute the most sodium to our diets). Over 2000 foods selected from the Brand Names Food List maintained by BC Healthy Living and additional foods from the latest USDA nutrition database.
  • Consistency with the Canada Food Guide to Healthy Eating and Dietary Reference Intakes from Health Canada
  • Student friendly design including Smart Search (which suggests 'broccoli soup' if a student enters 'brocly suup'), My Foods (which allows students to restrict the number of foods to simplify food searches), Cost & Value (which helps students find affordable foods and those which are the cheapest source of a nutrient), powerful searches and easy exports of data for further work.
  • Instant pictographic feedback of food nutrients now includes feedback from up to five sets of guidelines provided by governments to help citizens answer questions such as:
    • May this food be advertised to children (according to the United Kingdom policy on TV advertising)?
    • Would a Front of Package Traffic Light Label for this food be green, amber or red (UK Front of Package labelling)?
    • Should this food be sold or served in schools (according to the BC Healthy Living Guidelines for Foods in BC Schools)?
    • Should children & youth choose this food? (according to the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children & Youth)?
    • Does this food contribute to a diet which is nutritionally balanced, delicious, culturally appropriate, socially and environmentally sustainable? ? (according to Brazilian Nutrition Guidelines)? Note that the Brazilian Guidelines are primarily based on whether foods are minimally processed, processed or ultra-processed.
      Teachers can choose to use some, all or none of these guidelines.
  • The design permits teachers to select more nutrients (up to 30% more) including added sugar and to customize displays to best suit student needs.

Compared to other nutrient analysis approaches (including web-based alternatives) available to educators, you will find that FoodFocus is your best choice because FoodFocus:
  • is faster and less work for teachers and students
  • has more options for selecting foods and food quantities
  • more clearly indicates compliance with nutrient guidelines (there are clear indications whether a food recall has too much of a nutrient or too little compared to recommendations -not just an indication by how much it differs from the recommendation)
  • is a superior tool to explore changes to a food recall. FoodFocus allows you to easily sort by nutrient to quickly see the amount of a nutrient contributed by each food, add foods, delete foods, change food quantities or jog food quantities up and down in steps to see how analysis results change and so on.
  • provide immediate feedback and graphics for a more effective and enjoyable learning experience
To Order FoodFocus

A Little Demo
Assuming that you have decided on the foods and quantities for either a healthy breakfast or a fast food one and you have used FoodFocus to make such a food list, the following demo gives you a glimpse of some of the ways FoodFocus indicates the nutrient content of such a breakfast. Make sure sound is turned on and click the Play arrow to see the demo.


See Resources | Interactive Training on the menu for some full length demos or click here.

