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3. Detailed Nutrient Analysis Results

Detailed nutrient analysis results allow you to get specific information about each nutrient and a comparison with the associated nutrient guideline.


After this lesson, you will be able to:


To see the detailed nutrient analysis results that FoodFocus calculates automatically everytime you select a food, you select Analysis from the menu line(as described in lesson 1c). You can look at the nutrient analysis results in three different ways as indicated at the top of the Analysis display:

Review Topics

  1. If you wanted to know how many grams of protein were in foods you had selected, what display option of the Nutrient Analysis Results would you select?
  2. If you wanted to know what percentage of calories were from fat, what display option of the Nutrient Analysis Results would you select?
  3. If you have selected foods for just a portion of a day (assuming the evaluation interval is one day), how can you tell if you are getting a reasonable distribution of nutrients?
  4. If you have selected foods that you ate for one day (assuming the evaluation interval is one day), how can you tell if you are getting the recommended amount of nutrients?
  5. Is the heart pictograph more like the "%Daily RNI" option or the "Nutrient Balance" display option? Why?
  6. Is the baby carriage pictograph more like the "%Daily RNI" option or the "Nutrient Balance" display option? Why?
  7. If you have achieved 100% of the nutrient guidelines (according to the detailed Nutrient Analysis Results displays), will you necessarily have a complete rainbow pictograph?
  8. If you have achieved a complete rainbow pictograph, will you have satisfied all the nutrient guidelines (according to the detailed Nutrient Analysis Results displays)?

Independent Practice

Plan an exercise with objectives that would require use of the "Nutrient Balance" display option.

Coming Next....

How to get help about nutrient and related diseases.

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Revised - January 2001
Chad Prowse